Horary Prasna Sashtra

Horary astrology is an ancient branch of astrology that answers questions by using the time of birth of a Question rather those of birth of a persons.A borary reads using traditional astrology provides a very precise,focused and accurrr answers to a wide variely of questions.

HORARY Astrology is called prasna in India because it answers specifie queries (prasna)depending on he time of the query.

Horary Astrology focuses mainly on answering specific questions .The person who asks the questions is called “querent”and the question is called “Query” when a person visits us and expernses his questions,the plantary positions for that moment (date and time) and for that place are calculated and horoscope chart is made .When the querent sands a question to through a letters or e.mail,then the chart is to be drawn for that date,time and place when we reads that letter or email.

After studying and vast analysis of the planets and than position degrees in the particular house givies the answer to the quei asked by a Querent.